For professionals
Our training will improve your understanding of neurodevelopmental conditions and give you the tools to positively affect the outcomes for the neurodivergent people that you work with.
Neurodevelopmental Conditions Awareness Raising Training For Professionals
We are commissioned in several areas to offer ND Conditions Awareness Raising Training for Professionals.
Signposting Families to ADDvanced Solutions
We are an open access offer, no referral or diagnosis is needed, find out what we offer families in your area.
Our Traded Offer
Via ADDvanced Solutions Training & Consultancy we can offer bespoke training, learning programmes, advice and consultancy to professionals, companies & schools.
ADDvanced Solutions Community Network
Neurodevelopmental Conditions Awareness Raising Training For Professionals
We are commissioned & funded in several areas to offer NDC Awareness Raising Training for any Professionals working with children, young people or families.
Our training will improve professionals’ understanding of neurodevelopmental conditions, how they may present and how one condition may overlap with another.
Professionals attending this training will develop knowledge, skills and confidence to better recognise and support families who have needs associated with neurodevelopmental conditions, learning difficulties and mental health.
Please see below for upcoming open sessions in your local area or contact us to discuss training for your whole team.
Neurodevelopmental Conditions Awareness Raising
Training For Professionals
Please contact us to book your place on our free upcoming professionals training
Preparing for Adulthood Professionals Workshop
We are newly commissioned in Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington to offer learning opportunities to professionals working with neurodivergent young people aged 11+ who are awaiting Autism, ND or LD assessment. This workshop will enable you to better support these young person as they approach adulthood. You will gain information around:
- Planning for transition
- Supporting independence
- Reasonable adjustments and SEND
- Further education and employment
- Independent living
- Community inclusion
- Relationships
- Good health and wellbeing
- Local provision and services.
The next workshop will take place online via zoom on Tuesday 29th April – 3.30pm – 5.30pm
St Helens Schools Project
ADDvanced Solutions Community Network have been specially commissioned & funded to deliver a pilot project across St Helens Secondary Schools.
We will be working with staff, pupils and parents, aiming to improve understanding, recognise needs and build strategies to better support neurodiversity across the whole school community.
All St Helens secondary school teaching and support staff can register for our bespoke twilight sessions which begin on November 11th.
Additional offer for Professionals
Engagement Events
We regularly attend SEND events and professionals team meetings to give an overview of our commissioned offer for families in the area . If you would like one of our team to attend an event – just get in touch.
Training and Consultancy
ADDvanced Solutions also has a traded offer which is delivered by ADDvanced Solutions Training and Consultancy. View the extensive training programmes and bespoke training and consultancy packages here.
The social objective of ADDvanced Solutions Training and Consultancy is to support and underpin ADDvanced Solutions Community Network.