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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition that affects the way the brain process information and it can impact on learning, relationships and behaviour.

Every brain is different and people with ADHD will all have different strengths and challenges. Often someone with ADHD can be taking in and processing everything around them at once, finding it hard to filter information and focus on a specific task or conversation.  Individuals with ADHD may seem easily distracted, restless, fidgety, forgetful or wander off topic and can have difficulty concentrating.  There is an element of impulsivity that can lead those with ADHD to act before thinking and can mean that they can be easily led. 

Children and young people with ADHD are often misunderstood as being poorly behaved they can be incorrectly branded as disruptive, rude, disorganised or day dreamers and these negative perceptions can be demoralising and lead to low self esteem, poor mental health and undesirable outcomes.

With the right support, people with ADHD can be great multitaskers, creative thinkers and able to process lots of information quickly, they can have have high levels of energy and resilience. Having learned about their own triggers and built strategies to self regulate, those who have ADHD can be very self aware, open to feedback and great at honest conversations.

Want to understand more?

We offer learning programmes and workshops which will give you a greater understanding and strategies to support a neurodivergent child or young person.

Useful resources about ADHD

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