Online Community Network Group
Our Online Community Network Groups are an alternative for parents and carers in any of our areas to access discussions and workshops covering a variety of topics around neurodiversity. This online group is every every Wednesday at 5:00pm – 6:30pm. Click here to register.
The Community Network Groups provide a discussion based opportunity to develop your understanding around neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs), to ask questions and share learning and experience. You can talk to other parents, the ADDvanced Solutions team and visiting professionals who can help and support you.
This half term we cover the following topics as part of the sessions:
6th November – The Graduated Approach
13th November – Gender and Neurodiversity
20th November – Separation Anxiety
27th November – ADHD and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
4th December – Tourettes Syndrome
11th December – Preparing for Christmas
We look forward to seeing you.
Click here to register for the Wednesday evening Online Community Network Groups